The choice of attribute for a grid depends on the type of grid being created.

There are two types of grids:

  1. Data Grid

A data grid is a type of grid that displays all created instances—all active or submitted instances—of another form. It can also be used to define options for dropdown menus.

  • A data grid requires a custom entity. This entity is associated with the form that the grid references and contains the data that will be displayed in the grid.
  • A data grid must be linked to a local attribute.
    • To learn more about how to create the necessary entity and attribute for this type of grid, click here.
  1. Subform Grid

A subform grid is a type of grid that is embedded within a form. It is typically used to supplement the form with additional details by enabling users to directly add and edit information.

  • A subform grid requires at least two entities: a main entity, in which the grid will be used, and a custom entity, which will contain the attributes for the grid.
  • A foreign key linking the custom entity to the main entity must be created to establish a reference point between them.
  • A subform grid must be linked to the foreign key associated with the main entity.
    • To learn more about how to create the necessary entities and foreign keys for this type of grid, click here.