Hardware resources for BPMS server:

CPU: 4 Cores
RAM: minimum 8 GB (16 GB recommended)
HDD: 20 GB (of free disk space)
Network connection to SQL Server – minimum 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps recommended

Hardware resources for SQLserver:

CPU: 4 Cores
RAM: minimum 16 GB (32 GB recommended)
HDD: 100 GB (of free disk space) High IO disk is recommended
Network connection to SQL Server – minimum 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps recommended

Operating System:

Windows Server 2012 R2 64 bit or more recent

Web Server:

  1. IIS Services
    1. Note that IIS 6 Management Compatibility is required
    2. For more information, refer to Chapter 17.1
  2. Net Framework (will be enabled for Windows Roles and Features)
    1. Admin Console (designer): .net 4.7.2
    2. Web: .net 4.7.2
    3. Connection Form: 3.5 service pack 1
  3. MSDTC Services
    1. The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) service is a component of modern versions of Microsoft Windows that is responsible for coordinating transactions that span multiple resource managers, such as databases, message queues, and file systems. MSDTC performs the transaction coordination role for components, usually with COM and .NET architectures.
    2. In case of BPMS application, MSDTC Service is required only on server.
    3. For more information, refer to Chapter 17.3

SQL Server:

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 or more recent

During the deployment we will need to have the following permissions:

  • On Windows Server: Administrator
  • On SQL Server: dba (sa user)