Issue: When we try to save a webform with attachment we have this error:

Level (0) Message: Transaction not successfully started

Level (0) StackTrace: at NHibernate.Transaction.AdoTransaction.CheckBegun() in p:\nhibernate-core\src\NHibernate\Transaction\AdoTransaction.cs:line 402 at NHibernate.Transaction.AdoTransaction.Rollback() in p:\nhibernate-core\src\NHibernate\Transaction\AdoTransaction.cs:line 241 at Rayvarz.BPMS.Framework.UnitOfWork.CommitTransaction(Boolean clearSession) in D:\Tfs\Main\Source\Rayvarz.BPMS.Framework\UnitOfWork.cs:line 236

Please note that we are using BPMS attachment feature and not separated DMS module.


The reason of the error is that you haven’t installed DMS (attachment module of BPMS) correctly.

You need to check these:

1. Open the BPMS setup and make sure that DMS is installed.

2. Check RaySysSpc table.
a. DMSPath should have a value
b. UseDMS should be false

3. Check the Path which is the value of DMSPath in RaySysSpc on the server. You have to have a Root folder and a folder with GUID name inside the root folder. If you don’t have that it means that DMS is not configured via setup. You need to use setup to reconfigure DMS.