The time picker control allows users to select or input a specific time.

When a time duration control is selected in the design environment, its associated properties are displayed in the Control Properties panel.

  1. Binding: In this category, users can link a control to its corresponding attribute and define its binding properties.
    • For more information on the fields in this category, click here.
  1. Name: In this category, users can access basic properties required for the control’s identification and proper referencing in the code.
    • For more information on these properties and how to configure them, click here.
  2. Control Behavior: In this category, users can configure the behavior of the control and define how it interacts with the form or application.
    • Time Duration Initial Value
      When configuring the initial value for the time duration control, users can either set a specific time or select the Current Time option from the dropdown menu.
    • For more information on these properties and how to configure them, click here.
  3. Appearance: In this category, users can customize the visual appearance of the control.
    • For more information on these properties and how to configure them, click here.
  4. Caption Appearance: In this category, users can customize the visual appearance of the control’s caption.
    • For more information on the fields in this category, click here.
Time Duration Control Preview: Web View

Quick Forms Application
To apply the Quick Forms feature to time duration controls, take the following steps:
  • Drag a time duration control from the toolbox and drop it onto the design environment.
  • Provide a caption for the control.
  • Save the form and select Yes in response to the following prompt: