For those unfamiliar with using the date/time picker in the DBP web application, the following instructions will guide you through the process:

  1. Date/Time

If Date/Time is selected as a display type, the date/time picker will display a calendar with time input options.

Users can enter a date and time into this field either manually or by selecting it from the calendar.

To display the calendar, click on the icon.
  • To view all the months in the year, click on the month.
    • To view the previous or next year’s months, use the side arrows to navigate.
  • To view the current set of ten years, click on the year.
    • To view the previous or next decade, use the side arrows to navigate.
  • To view the decades of the current century, click on the decade
    • To view the decades of the previous or next century, use the side arrows to navigate.
  • To select the time, use the numeric updown field.
    • In this field, users can enter numbers either manually or by clicking the increment/decrement arrows.

Once selected, the date and time will populate the field in the following manner:

  1. Date

If Date is selected as the display type, the date picker will display a calendar allowing the user to select a single date.

Users can enter a date into this field either manually or by selecting it from the calendar.

To display the calendar, click on the icon.

Once selected, the date will populate the field in the following manner:

  1. Time

If Time is selected as the display type, the time picker will display a list of pre-defined times for the user to select from.

Users can enter a time into this field either manually or by selecting it from the list.

To display the list, click on the icon.

Once selected, the time will populate the field in the following manner: