In the Form Entity Properties window, users can modify the properties of the form entity.

  1. ID: This field shows the ID of the form entity.
    • Any changes made to this field will directly impact the Name field
      • To ensure proper naming, users must follow certain rules:
        • A valid name can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore symbol. It cannot, however, contain spaces or other special characters. It also cannot begin with a number.
  2. Name: This field shows the current name of the form entity.
    • To modify this field, users should make changes to the ID field.
  3. Display Name: This field shows the display name of the form entity.
    • There are no rules determining the validity of the display name.
  4. OK: This button allows users to save their changes and return to the Form Properties window.
  5. Cancel: This button allows users to cancel their changes and exit the Form Entity Properties window.