If a process requires system rule enforcement, use the system state/activity.

Selecting a system activity on the design canvas will display its associated properties in the Properties panel.

  • Name: This is a text field that allows users to input the name for the element.
    • There are the following rules determining the validity of names:
      • A valid name can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore symbol. It cannot, however, contain spaces or other special characters. It also cannot begin with a number.
      • An element must have a unique name. It cannot have the same name as another element in the process.
    • Users can only input up to a maximum of 17 characters in this field.
  • Title: This is a text field that allows users to input the title for the element. This title will be displayed in the diagram.
    • Unlike with names, there are no rules determining the validity of titles.
  • Data Item: This is a single-select dropdown field that retrieves the list of data items (from the Task Data Items section of the Notification module). It allows users to assign a data item to the object.
    • To define a new data item, select the button.
    • To modify an existing data item, select the button.
    • To delete a data item, select the button.
  • Active: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to mark out the object as active.
    • The term active, in this context, means that notifications have been enabled for the activity.
    • Selecting this checkbox will display a small envelope on the object in the diagram, signifying that a notification will be sent at that stage.
  • Notifications: This button allows users to define the required notifications for the activity. It is only enabled once the Active checkbox has been selected and the process has been published.
    • Once selected, it will display the Activity Notifications window.
    • Add: This button allows users to add a new notification.
      • Selecting this button will display the Notifications window, in which users can either define new notifications or select existing ones (if applicable) from the list.
        • New: This button allows users to create a new notification item.
        • Delete: This button allows users to delete a notification item.
        • Edit: This button allows users to edit an existing notification item.
        • Select: This button allows users to select a notification item (to be triggered during the process).
          • Selecting this button will redirect users back to the Activity Notifications window—the notification item now listed therein.
            • Users can also select a notification item by double-clicking on it.
        • Refresh: This button allows users to refresh the window.
        • Close: This button allows users to close the Notifications window..
    • Remove: This button allows users to remove a notification.
    • Exit: This button allows users to exit the Activity Notifications window.
  • Rule: This is a single-select dropdown field that retrieves the list of rules (from the Rules section of the Business Logics module). It allows users to assign a rule to the object.
    • To define a new rule, select the button.
    • To modify an existing rule, select the button.
    • To delete a rule, select the button.