In the Info Template Properties window, users can create a new info template for the application.

  1. Name: This is a text field that allows users to input the name of the info template. It is a mandatory field.
    • There are the following guidelines determining the validity of names:
      • A valid name can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore symbol. It cannot, however, contain spaces or other special characters. It also cannot begin with a number.
      • An info template must have a unique name. It cannot have the same name as another info template in the program.
  2. Title: This is a text field that allows users to input the title of the info template.
    • Unlike with names, there are no guidelines determining the validity of titles.
  3. Active: This is a checkbox which, if selected, allows users to mark the info template out as active.
  1. Entity: This is a single-select dropdown field that retrieves the list of entities (from the Entity Designer section of the Entities module). It allows users to select the entity associated with the info template.
Adding Code to Info Templates

Info templates are a key tool for injecting dynamic data into notifications. By understanding the standard code structure, users can craft contextually relevant info templates.

  • Standard Code Structure

    parameters.Add("[Name of Attribute]", domainObject.[Attribute] ?? "");
    • Code Components
      • parameters’: This container stores the dynamic data intended for the notification.
      • Add(“[Name of Attribute]”, domainObject.[Attribute]’: This line incorporates the value of a specified attribute from a domain object into the parameters container.
        • Users should modify this line to include the desired attribute name and its location within the domain object.
      • ?? “ “’: This part ensures that if the attribute’s value is null or empty, it will be replaced with an empty string.

  • Example: Adding a Title Attribute

    parameters.Add("Title", domainObject.Title ?? "");
    • Code Components
      • Title’: Denotes the specific attribute being retrieved.
      • domainObject.Title’: Points to the attribute within the domain object.