Navigate to the Error List tab, which is located below the map. Command Errors and Scenario Errors in the Error List tab will prevent user from running the model, but user may still be able to run the model with Command Warnings.
Un-check the *Command Warnings” to see the errors.
These two errors are caused because these two nodes do not have a link out. To fix the bugs:
- Double click on the row of the error (e.g. NM-N13-0266) to zoom into that node on the map.
- Add an Outfall node to the downstream of the error node.
- Click on Outfall icon in the Toolbox and hold mouse left key, drag the Outfall to the Map and then release the mouse. Click on the Map to add one Outfall node.
- Add a Conduit from the error node to that outfall node.
- To finish the editing, press the ESC key or click the selection button
in Quick Access Toolbar or in the GIS toolbar
- Click Conduit icon in the Toolbox and hold mouse left key, drag the Conduit to the Map and then release the mouse. Click the starting node (i.e. NM-N13-0266) of the conduit and then click the ending node (i.e. the added Outfall node). A new Conduit link will be built.
- Then, select the added Conduit on the Map. Go to the Properties tab. Change the System type of the added Conduit as Sanitary and change the Shape of the added Conduit as Dummy. Copy the Inlet Elev of the added Dummy Conduit to the Outlet Elev of that conduit.
- Select the added Outfall on the Map. Go to the Properties tab. Change the System type of the added Outfall node as Sanitary. Copy the Inlet Elev of the added Dummy conduit to Invert El and Ground Elevation of the Outfall node.
Following the same way to debug the second error, which is related to the exit of storm system.
- Double click on the row of the error (e.g. ST2359) to zoom into that node on the map.
- Add an Outfall node to the downstream of the error node
- Add a Conduit from the error node to that outfall node.
- To finish the editing, press the ESC key or click the selection button
in Quick Access Toolbar or in the GIS toolbar
- Then, select the added Conduit on the Map. Go to the Properties tab. Change the System type of the added Conduit as Storm and change the Shape of the added Conduit as Dummy. Copy the Inlet Elev of the added Dummy Conduit to the Outlet Elev of that conduit.
- Select the added Outfall on the Map. Go to the Properties tab. Change the System type of the added Outfall node as Storm. Copy the Inlet Elev of the added Dummy conduit to Invert El and Ground Elevation of the Outfall node.