Use Outlet to model the flow entering from overland to sewer system. Add outlet links for all the sanitary manholes. For the storm manholes, when the major node has catch basin assigned, add outlet link from the major node to the storm manhole.

Zoom in the map to the upstream part of the south branch. Drag and drop the Outlet icon from the Tool Box to the Map.

The mouse cursor will change to the Edit mode. Select the overland junction, i.e. the From Node of the Outlet link, and then select the sanitary manhole, i.e. the To Node of the Outlet link. A Outlet link will be added to the map. Following the same method to add Outlet links for the storm manhole, i.e. from the overland node to the storm manhole.

Finish adding Outlet links for all the overland nodes. Connect all the sanitary manholes with the overland nodes (Junctions and Storage Unit) and connect the storm manholes with the overland nodes (Junctions and Storage Unit) when the overland node has catch basins connected.