This tutorial revolves around using EPA SWMM resources to practically implement projects with VOSWMM. We’ll follow step-by-step guides based on the “Storm Water Management Model Applications Manual” by Jorge Gironás, Larry A. Roesner, and Jennifer Davis from Colorado State University. Our main goal is to provide education by clarifying technical terms, discussing projects, and creating an enriched learning experience. While VOSWMM application is central, fostering understanding and academic growth remains paramount throughout the tutorial. Our mission is to empower learners to grasp stormwater management modeling comprehensively, blending theory and practice seamlessly.

“Storm Water Management Model Applications Manual” by Jorge Gironás, Larry A. Roesner, and Jennifer Davis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University.

This tutorial comprises nine comprehensive examples that span various aspects of stormwater management and design. Each example offers practical insights into the capabilities of VOSWMM, guided by the principles outlined in the “Storm Water Management Model Applications Manual”. These examples are structured to provide both educational value and hands-on experience, ensuring a robust understanding of stormwater management dynamics.

  1. Post-Development Runoff: This example involves computing surface runoff for a residential site before and after development, considering different design-storm scenarios.
  2. Surface Drainage Hydraulics: Building upon Example 1, this project introduces a surface runoff conveyance network, analyzed using SWMM’s hydraulic routing options.
  3. Detention Pond Design: Example 3 focuses on designing a detention pond and outlet structure to meet water quality control and peak flow reduction criteria in a post-development scenario.
  4. Low Impact Development (LID): Demonstrating the application of LID practices, this example incorporates filter strips and infiltration trenches within the catchment modeled in Example 2.
  5. Runoff Water Quality: Simulating total suspended solids (TSS) buildup, washoff, and routing within the catchment from Example 2, this project addresses runoff water quality.
  6. Runoff Treatment: Example 6 models the TSS removal in both LID controls and the detention pond featured in Examples 3 and 4.
  7. Dual Drainage Systems: This project transforms the surface drainage system from Example 2 into a dual system with underground storm sewers and above-ground streets, subjected to surcharged flow and street flooding.
  8. Combined Sewer Systems: Building upon Example 7, this example converts the drainage system into a combined sewer system, accommodating both dry weather sanitary flow and wet weather runoff, featuring flow diversion structures and a pumped force main.
  9. Continuous Simulation: The final example employs SWMM’s statistical tools to analyze the performance of the detention pond designed in Example 3 over a continuous ten-year period, considering historical rainfall data.