Icon Command Description
New Project Create a new project
Open Project Opens an existing project. VO SWMM allows to open a VO SWMM project (.voprj) or a INP file (.inp)
Save Project Save the current project
Save Project As Saves the current project under a different name
Import Import Scenarios
Export Export the current scenairo
Copy to Clipboard Copy select objects to clip-board
Print Print the canvas


  • Detail explanation available here
Icon Command Description
Import VO-Scenario Import existing VO
Import SWMM Import .inp format
Import VO OTTHYMO Import .voprj format


  • Detail explanation available here
Icon Command Description
Export to SWMM INP File Export current scenario to SWMM INP file
Export to InfoWorks CS Export network in current scenario to Infoworks CS CSV file
Export to InfoWorks ICM Export network in current scenario to Infoworks ICM CSV file