Rain Data

The rain groups and rain data are imported from OTTHYMO projects to VO SWMM. Rain group names and rain data names in VO SWMM are the same in OTTHYMO. For each imported rain data:

  • If the imported OTTHYMO project is a single-event OTTHYMO project: Rain Format = Intensity. Rain data Time Interval is read from the rain data.
  • If the imported OTTHYMO project is a continuous OTTHYMO project: Rain Format = Volume. Rain data Time Interval is read from the rain data.

Temperature, Evaporation and Flow Data (only when imported OTTHYMO project is continuous OTTHYMO project)

VO SWMM will read-in all those data and save them as time-series data:
Name = [DataTypeName]-[DataGroupName]-[DataIndex]-[DataName]. For example, the temperature data in the figure below will be saved as Temperature-TempGroup1-1-Temp1. When the imported OTTHYMO project is in imperial unit, the temperature will be converted from degC to degF in VOSWMM.

These imported time-series data can be used at Climatology, ReadHyd conversion, and wetland-specific outlet conversion. There could be several time-series datasets for one data type, for example, several temperature datasets. Therefore, only one will be set to those locations as the default setting. The rest is saved in Time Series Editor and users can pick the desired one.

To select one dataset, for example, one temperature dataset, the program will first select one run from the Batch Run. The selected run is indicated in the Simulation ribbon -> Output section. Then, based on the selected run, the program knows the data groups used in this run. After that, based on certain rules, the program can get one dataset from the selected data group.

The setting of Climatology Evaporation and Temperature is explained below. The setting of ReadHyd conversion is explained in Conversion of ReadHyd. The setting of wetland specific outlet conversion is explained in Conversion of Wetland.

  • Climatology Evaporation:
    • if there is evaporation data group used in selected run, i.e. selectedEvapGroup:
      Climatology Evaporation uses Time Series.
      Time Series data = Evaporation-[selectedEvapGroupName]-[mostUsedEvapDataIDbyHydrographs]-[nameOfMostUsedEvapDataIDbyHydrographs], where mostUsedEvapDataIDbyHydrographs is the most used Evap ID by hydrographs of that scenario and nameOfMostUsedEvapDataIDbyHydrographs is the corresponding evaporation data name.
    • if there is no evaporation data used in selected run, i.e. selectedTempGroup:
      Climatology Evaporation uses Monthly Average. The Monthly Evaporation table is obtained from OTTHYMO Simulation Engine as described in Importing of Scenarios.
  • Climatology Temperature:
    • if there is temperature data group used in selected run, i.e. selectedTempGroup:
      Climatology Temperature uses Time Series.
      Time Series data = Evaporation-[selectedTempGroupName]-[mostUsedTempDataIDbyHydrographs]-[nameOfMostUsedTempDataIDbyHydrographs], where mostUsedTempDataIDbyHydrographs is the most used Temp ID by hydrographs of that scenario and nameOfMostUsedTempDataIDbyHydrographs is the corresponding evaporation data name.
    • if there is no temperature data used in selected run, i.e. selectedTempGroup:
      Climatology Temperature uses No Data.