OTTHYMO object VOSWMM object
Junction followed by an ideal Pump.

The parameters of VOSWMM Junction are assigned as:

  • NHYD = ReadHyd NHYD
  • Name = ReadHyd Name
  • Inflow = Yes
  • Inflow Editor
    • If the imported OTTHYMO project is a continuous OTTHYMO project:
      • Scale Factor = 1
      • Time Series: Flow-[selectedFlowGroupName]-[ReadHydFlowID]-[nameOfReadHydFlowID]. Please refer to Importing of Data for more details about reading of time-series flow data.
    • If the imported OTTHYMO project is a single-event OTTHYMO project:
      • Scale Factor = 1
      • Time Series: Name: Flow-ReadHyd-NHYD[x], where x is the ReadHyd NHYD. Data Table: read from the ReadHyd FilePN.
        DateTime Value
        1/1/2000 00:00 ReaHyd.FilePN.FlowDate(1)
        1/1/2000 00:00 + ReaHyd.FilePN.TimeStep ReaHyd.FilePN.FlowDate(2)
        1/1/2000 00:00 + 2 x ReaHyd.FilePN.TimeStep ReaHyd.FilePN.FlowDate(3)
        1/1/2000 00:00 + (n-1) x ReaHyd.FilePN.TimeStep ReaHyd.FilePN.FlowDate(n)

The VOSWMM Pump:

  • Is an ideal pump.