Click the Street button to open the Street window. Please note that Street is only activated for SWMM5.2 engine or higher.
Button | Description |
Add one street | |
Delete selected street. Please note to use Ctrl and Shift keys for multiple selection. | |
Import a group of streets | |
Export all the streets |
- Street Section Name: This is a user-assigned name for the street cross-section. It helps identify the cross-section dimensions for conduits or other elements in the model.
- One or Two Sided: This property specifies whether the street section extends only to one side of the street crown (One Sided) or if the same section shape exists on both sides (Two Sided).
- Road Width (Tcrown): It specifies the distance from the curb to the high point of the street roadway, known as the street crown. This dimension is typically measured in feet or meters and defines the width of the roadway.
- Curb Height (Hcurb): This property indicates the height of the curb concerning the street’s cross slope. It’s usually measured in feet or meters and represents the height of the curb above the roadway.
- Cross Slope (Sx): Cross slope is the slope of the roadway portion of the cross section and is expressed as a percentage. It defines how steeply the road is inclined from one side to the other.
- Street Roughness: Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) is used to represent the roughness of the street surface. It characterizes how frictional resistance affects water flow on the street. Typical values range between 0.013 and 0.017.
- Gutter Depression (a): If the street has a depressed gutter, this property defines the depth by which the gutter is lowered compared to where the roadway’s cross slope intersects the curb. It is typically measured in inches or millimeters.
- Gutter Width (W): For a depressed gutter, this property specifies the width between the curb and the roadway. It is measured in feet or meters and defines the width of the depressed gutter.
- Backing Width (Tback): This property represents the width of the area against which the street backs up, like a sidewalk or lawn. If there’s no backing, you can enter 0.
- Backing Slope (Sback): If there is a backing area (Tback is non-zero), this property defines the slope of the backing area in percentage. Otherwise, it is ignored.
- Backing Roughness: Manning’s roughness coefficient (n) for the surface of the backing area. This property characterizes how easily water can flow over the backing surface. It is relevant only when there is backing (Tback is non-zero).