Impleo Web is a web to print system that may contain many different product types helping your customers to use and preserve their graphical profile. The products may vary from business cards, booklets, books, roll-ups or even non printables. In Impleo Web products are divided into different types: Dynamic template products, static template products, special products and combined products. It is only you imagination that limits the products Impleo Web may contain.
Impleo Web is based on five different main components
Impleo Web ordering
The ordering section is a webshop where your customer logs in and chooses among the products that are available to the customers user. One user may have access to many different products, and one product may be attached to different customers. This is controlled in Impleo Web administration.
Impleo Web administration
The administration section controls all settings related to customers, products, colors, fonts and the configuration of the solution. It is only users with “system administrator” access rights that have permission to access Impleo Webs administration section.
Impleo Workflow Client
Impleo Workflow Client is a windows desktop application. Impleo Workflow Client receives orders from Impleo Web, and delivers status changes back to the customer through Impleo Web. The production manager uses Impleo Workflow Client to start the production of orders through the system .
Impleo Prodweb
Impleo Prodweb is a web based version of the Impleo Workflow Client. It is not possible to start production through Impleo Prodweb, it is only possible to change the orders status through Impleo Prodweb.
Impleo Workflow Configurator
Impleo Workflow Configurator is a Windows desktop application used to create and maintain workflows used by the system. A workflow determines where to send files belonging to a specific order.
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