
We are excited to announce the patch release of v2.2.9 for Kramer Control. Below is a list of improvements and corrections we have made with this latest patch version.

New Improvements



  • Added Preview Mode for the programmer to view how Frames and Overlays will appear within the GUI
  • Added support for new iPad resolutions



  • Corrected issue where the Brain would lose connection to KNX and other devices when the units were powered off and powered back on again
  • Corrected issue where the Brain would become un-responsive when publishing large spaces


  • Corrected issue on Android client types where clicking on the listbox title section would crash the application
  • Corrected issue where BRAINware was not available on KT-1010 hardware
  • Corrected issue where users were not able to activate BRAINware on Sony Bravia – Android 8 displays


  • Corrected issue where selecting an alert from the alerts section showed a blank panel in the right window
Revision: 8
Last modified: 11 November 2019


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