Sliders are used to control devices that have discrete capabilities for level control. Two examples of discrete level control would be: the volume level of an audio device and the dimming capability of a light.

This article explains two options for adding a slider to your user interface.

Selecting the Relevant Page

  1. Launch into the Builder from your controlled space.
  2. Open the relevant user interface.
  3. Expand the user interface until you can select the relevant page.

Perform one of the options below to add a slider to your interface:

Options for Adding a Slider

Adding a Slider with the Create Widget Button

  1. Click the Create widget button in the Builder tool bar and select the Create slider option.
  2. Click and drag in the center pane to create an area for the slider.
    Depending on the orientation of the area selected, a horizontal or vertical slider appears.
  3. Edit properties of the slider such as colors and knob radius in the properties window.
  4. Drag a Command, such as Set Volume, to your slider from the Device tab.
    Note: Commands such as Volume Up and Volume Down do not work for a slider. The slider works only on discrete levels such as Volume Level 50. Volume up and down commands can be added to a button, not a slider.

Adding a Slider by Dragging a Discrete Command

  1. From the Devices tab, drag a discrete Command, such as Set Volume, to the center pane.
    Note: Commands such as Volume Up and Volume Down do not work for a slider. The slider works only on discrete levels such as Volume Level 50. Volume up and down commands can be added to a button, not a slider.
    A vertical or horizontal slider is created in the center pane.
  2. Edit properties of the slider such as colors and knob radius in the properties window.

Revision: 2
Last modified: 30 May 2017


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