Sliders are used to control devices that have discrete capabilities for level control. Two examples of discrete level control would be: the volume level of an audio device and the dimming capability of a light.
This article explains two options for adding a slider to your user interface.
Selecting the Relevant Page
- Launch into the Builder from your controlled space.
- Open the relevant user interface.
- Expand the user interface until you can select the relevant page.
Perform one of the options below to add a slider to your interface:
Options for Adding a Slider
Adding a Slider with the Create Widget Button
- Click the Create widget button in the Builder tool bar and select the Create slider option.
- Click and drag in the center pane to create an area for the slider.
Depending on the orientation of the area selected, a horizontal or vertical slider appears. - Edit properties of the slider such as colors and knob radius in the properties window.
- Drag a Command, such as Set Volume, to your slider from the Device tab.
Note: Commands such as Volume Up and Volume Down do not work for a slider. The slider works only on discrete levels such as Volume Level 50. Volume up and down commands can be added to a button, not a slider.
Adding a Slider by Dragging a Discrete Command
- From the Devices tab, drag a discrete Command, such as Set Volume, to the center pane.
Note: Commands such as Volume Up and Volume Down do not work for a slider. The slider works only on discrete levels such as Volume Level 50. Volume up and down commands can be added to a button, not a slider.
A vertical or horizontal slider is created in the center pane. - Edit properties of the slider such as colors and knob radius in the properties window.
Last modified:
30 May 2017
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