
In a scenario where the installation occurs in an environment with no Internet access, it is recommended to follow the steps below for best results.


  1. Provision Brain using the Client application
  2. Remove Brain from current Network and install onto new local network
    • Power Cycle the Brain hardware. If removing Power does not occur within the second step of this process, you will need to do so before connecting the Brain hardware to the new Network.
      The Power Cycle of the Brain refreshes the Device connection of the SL unit. Without a power cycle the unit will keep the prior Network information
  3. Add Client device to local network
    • The Client (iOS, Android or KT107) needs to be on the same local Network as the Brain hardware for full control of the connected devices
  4. Using Express Mode enter the IP address and Passcode of the Brain

Different Scenarios using Offline Mode

Publishing an Offline Brain

Since Publishing requires Internet access, we recommend the following when updates are necessary for an Offline Brain.

  1. Change Networks where the Brain is installed
  2. Power Cycle the Brain after network is added
    • We would recommend before changing networks that you enable DHCP within the Network settings of the SL hardware. This will enable the Brain appears correctly on the new Network
    • The Network where the Brain is now installed, does not have to match the network of the programmers computer if they are only Publishing changes
  3. Publish changes from the Builder if this has not already been done
  4. Confirm published changes appear within Brain
    • Change Client to match the new Network of the Brain, then open the User Interface
    • Using a computer on the same Network as the brain go to :8000, enter Passcode of the project and look over the User Interface
  5. After changes are confirmed, replace Brain on the prior offline Network
  6. Power Cycle brain so Network changes take effect

Temporary loss of Network

Whether your Brain is installed on a Network that has Internet acccess or not, if the Link between the Brain and the Client interfaces is lost you will notice the issues below

  1. The Link light on the front of the Brain will blink Blue
  2. The User Interface will remain active on the Client devices, however
    • Commands will not work
    • States will not update

When Network returns to the Brain all cached commands will execute and the States will update within the Interface


  • Provisioning will require Internet access. The Brain downloads the User Interface settings from the cloud and will require outside Internet access.
  • Publishing will also require Internet access. Same reason as above. Publishing sends changes to the cloud where the Brain then downloads the latest changes.
  • Dashboard will also require Internet access. Dashboard content is stored on the server and the Dashboard requires access to this server thru the Internet to update Charts and Livestream.

Suggested Setup

We have heard of some different options when configuring your Offline Brain. Below is the recommendation we have made for Best Results

  • Use an All in One Router
    We have had the best results with installing an All In One router to your Offline network. This router does not require Internet access, but will handle DHCP and IP address transmission of devices connected to your network
  • Avoid scenarios where no router is installed, and you rely on an unmanaged switch only
    We have noticed repeated issues where a programmer installs an unmanaged switch and statically addresses the devices being controlled by Kramer Control independently. When the Brain boots in this scenario, the Brain does not receive a connection refused message form the switch indicating that no Network is installed. This can cause the Brain to take upwards of 10 minutes to finish the boot process
  • Test entire setup
    After you provision your setup, test the entire setup. Load all pages, load all overlays and load all hidden buttons into your client UI. This will cache all images on the UI and once you remove WAN connection from the Brain the UI will operate as expected.
Revision: 6
Last modified: 24 October 2019


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