
Version 2.6.0 of Kramer Control is now available. This version improves reliability and overall stability of the Kramer Control system. We have also added new gateways and added functionality to the Zoom Rooms widget for camera control. Check out more details below, and follow the links for additional information on how to setup the new gateways.

This release also includes an update to SL hardware. In order to push the update to the SL hardware, you will need to download the kfw file from the Kramer AV website and use KUpload to update this firmware.

New Features



  • We greatly improved the publishing process to use a single file publish similar to our Offline Publishing method.
    • Previously, the Brain would attempt to download files from many servers simultaneously. What we noticed was the Brain could lose connection to any one of these servers during the publishing process and cause a crash on the Brain or the Brain would not download all of the published changes. Moving to a single publish file, the Brain will now download all content from a single source and have the ability to use a checksum in order to ensure that all changes were downloaded to the Brain.
  • Corrected an issue where generating a provisioning code using the MAC address will generate a new Brain ID which causes the Brain to go unprovisioned when moved to an active network

More improvements


  • Corrected an issue where having a numeric character as the start of a state reference would break feedbacks within a driver
    • User will now be notified that the json is invalid and the driver will not save
  • Corrected an issue where having more than 100 macros inside the Builder would cause errors to appear in static analysis upon first load of the Builder
  • Corrected an issue where large spaces would low slowly creating an issue where two initialization events would appear and prevent the user from saving or publishing

Device Driver Builder

  • Corrected an issue where having a numeric character as the start of a state reference would break feedbacks within a driver
    • User will now be notified that the json is invalid and the driver will not save

Client Applications

  • Corrected an issue with KT BRAINware where the locale was not stored properly and not appearing properly within the GUI

Zoom Rooms

  • Corrected an issue where long contact lists were not loading correctly

Server Brains

  • Corrected an issue with Server Brains and network bridge mode where Brains used on ports greater than 8000 were not working
    • SSH into your KC Server Brain and run kramer update to ensure you are running the most up to date version
Revision: 5
Last modified: 4 August 2021


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