
Follow the steps below to set a static IP address on your Kramer Virtual Brain 1 or 5 device.


  • Note – you will need to know the sudo password for the KC Virtual Brain to make these changes
  1. Open the netplan file in the terminal window
    • sudo vi /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
  2. Using keyboard commands enter the IP information for the network
    • Example below
      • network: ethernets: enp2s0: addresses: [] gateway4: nameservers: addresses: [,] version: 2
  3. Save changes
    • Hit escape, then type :w! to write the changes. Exit the file by typing :q
  4. Apply changes
    • sudo netplan apply

If successful the ssh connection will be lost and to reconnect start a new ssh connection with the new IP address set above.

Revision: 2
Last modified: 5 October 2023


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