There are times when you may not be able to connect to an SL Brain over TCP/UDP. If you run into a situation when you need to connect and send configuration commands directly to the device without network access please follow the steps below.

Using Mac OS


  • USB A or C Male to Micro USB B Male cable (Testing for this article was done with a USB A cable)
  • ZOC Terminal program installed on Mac – ZOC Terminal
  1. Connect computer and SL with the above mentioned USB cable
  1. Open Terminal application or another Console application
    1. Type – ls /dev/tty*
    2. Press ‘Enter’
    3. You should see a bunch of /dev/ lines. Scroll up and you should see ‘/dev/tty.usbmodem1444401’
      1. This verifies that you are connected to the SL unit
  2. Open ZOC Terminal
    1. Click ‘Quick Connect’ at the top of the interface window if the Quick Connect pop-up did not already appear
      1. In all testing when the ZOC Terminal application was opened it automatically opened the Quick Connect pop-up
    2. Enter the following values
      1. ‘Connect To’ – Local Host
      2. ‘Options – Connection Type’ – Select ‘Serial/Direct’ from the drop-down
    3. Select ‘Configure’ to the right of ‘Serial/Direct’
      1. Make sure that ‘Override session profile settings for Serial/Direct’ is checked
      2. Enter ‘COM-PORT’ values
        1. /dev/cu.usbmodem1444401
        2. 115200 baud rate
        3. 8N1
        4. RTS Signal On
        5. DTR Signal On
        6. Select ‘CD signal/pin is valid’
        7. Break Signal = 250ms
      3. Select ‘OK’
    4. Enable ‘Local Typing’ – This will give you a field at the bottom of the application which will allow you to send commands to the SL
      1. Press ‘ALT+CMD+C’ or
      2. Select ‘View’ and then check ‘Local Typing’
    5. Type – #MODEL?, in the Local Typing window
    6. Press ‘Enter’
      1. You should see a response from the SL in the main window ‘~01@MODEL SL-xxx’
    7. Use any of the following commands in the table below to check or configure the network settings of the SL device

Using Windows


  • USB A or C Male to Micro USB B Male cable (Testing for this article was done with a USB A cable)
  • ZOC Terminal program installed on Windows – ZOC Terminal
  1. Connect computer and SL with the above mentioned USB cable
  1. Open ZOC Terminal
    1. Click ‘File, Quick Connection’ at the top of the interface window if the Quick Connect pop-up did not already appear
      1. You can also click on the Quick Connection icon or type ALT+O
    2. Enter the following values
      1. ‘Connect To’ – localhost
      2. ‘Options – Connection Type’ – Select ‘Serial/Direct’ from the drop-down

    3. Select ‘Configure’ to the right of ‘Serial/Direct’
      1. Make sure that ‘Override session profile settings for Serial/Direct’ is checked
      2. Enter ‘COM-PORT’ values
        1. Press ‘Scan’ to find the USB cable connected to your computer
        2. 115200 baud rate
        3. 8N1
        4. RTS Signal On
        5. DTR Signal On
        6. Select ‘CD signal/pin is valid’
        7. Break Signal = 250ms
      3. Select ‘OK’

    4. Enable ‘Local Typing’ – This will give you a field at the bottom of the application which will allow you to send commands to the SL
      1. Press ‘ALT+C’ or
      2. Select ‘View’ and then check ‘Local Typing’
    5. Type – #MODEL?, in the Local Typing window
    6. Press ‘Enter’
      1. You should see a response from the SL in the main window ‘~01@MODEL SL-xxx’
    7. Use any of the following commands in the table below to check or configure the network settings of the SL device
_.Command Command Function
#NET-DHCP? Check DHCP status (0=Off; 1=On)
#NET-DHCP x Set DHCP status x=0 or 1
#NET-IP? Check IP address of unit
#NET-IP Set IP address of unit – example
#NET-MASK? Check Subnet Mask of unit
#NET-MASK Set Subnet Mask of unit – example
#NET-GATE? Check Gateway of unit
#NET-GATE Set Gateway of unit – example
#NET-DNS? Check DNS of unit
#NET-MAC? Check MAC Address of unit
#SN? Check Serial Number of unit
Revision: 6
Last modified: 11 February 2021


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