The Properties section of the Builder is the area where you edit specific details of interface elements. Items such as interface names, button size, font, font color and background color.

This article lists and explains the items that can be edited in the Properties section of the Builder.

Text Options

  • Text – adds custom words to identify a button, page, or interface.
  • Font – the text font displayed in your user interface.
  • Font Size – the size of the text that is displayed in the user interface. This is an indefinite number field ranging from 1 to infinity.
  • Bold – bolds the text.
  • Background Color – defines the background color of an interface element.
  • Color – opens a color picker for editing the color of the text that appears in the user interface.
  • Alignment – define the position of the text inside an interface element. You can position the text in the upper left, upper middle, upper right, center left, center center, center right, lower left, lower center, or lower right of a button or other interface element.

Page Position Options

  • Adjusting the X value changes the location of the interface element on the page based on its left to right position.
  • Adjusting the Y value changes the location of the interface element based on the position related to the top or bottom of the page.

Size Options

Use these options to adjust the Width and Height of the interface element.

Image Options

  • Image and Pressed Image – thumbnails of the image currently being used for a button for the default image and the image that appears upon pressing the button once in control mode.
    • Click the red X in the thumbnail to remove the image from the element. You can also drag a new image to this field to change the currently used image.
  • Image Size – includes the following options:
    • Contain – adjusts the width and height of the image to the largest possible value that fits the interface element (i.e. button, background, etc.) while maintaining image proportions.
    • Stretch – enlarges your image to fill the area of your the interface element, ignoring image proportions, .
    • Normal – maintains the image proportions regardless of the size of your placeholder.

Slider Properties

  • Orientation – defines the the orientation of the slider. Two options are available:
    • Vertical – used in a bottom to top motion. The bottom of the slider is the lowest possible value and the top of the slider is the highest possible value.
    • Horizontal – used in a side to side motion. The left side of the slider is the lowest possible value and the right side of the slider is the highest possible value
  • Steps – defines the number of commands that can be executed within the slider. For example, a dimmer light could have 100 steps for each percentage of illumination, starting at 0% and ending at 100%. This field is editable and the number of steps can be changed from the default range that appears based on the device driver.
  • Send Commands On – two options:
    • Drag – sends commands as the user changes the position of the slider knob.
    • Release – waits until user release the mouse button to send a command. The command is executed based on the last position of the knob.
  • Delay – defines the amount of time between executing commands while dragging a slider knob. This option is enables when the Drag option is selected.
  • Knob Color – defines the color of the slider knob.
  • Bar Fill Color – defines the color of the filled area of a slider. The filled area of the slider indicates the current level of the parameter that is controlled by the slider. This is the area under the knob of a vertical slider and to the left of the knob on a horizontal slider.
  • Bar Empty Color – defines the color of the area of a slider above the current level. The empty area is above the knob in a vertical slider and to the right of the knob on a horizontal slider.
  • Thickness – defines the width of a vertical slider and the height of a horizontal slider.
  • Knob radius – defines the size of the slider knob.
Revision: 10
Last modified: 25 May 2017


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