With Location from Drawing and Reality, Flexijet may resume a location by selecting points in a drawing and measuring those points in reality.
Location from Drawing and Reality button in Flexijet Stone

To use this function:

  1. Select the ‘Home’ or project folder.
    Project explorer showing project folder
  1. From the ‘View’ tab, select ‘Show Measurement points’ to show the actual measured points in 3D space.
    Show Measurement Points checkbox
  1. On the Flexijet tab, click the drop-down menu under 3D Locations, and select ‘Location from Drawing and Reality’
    Location from Drawing and Reality button in Flexijet Stone
  1. The Location from Drawing and Reality window will appear. Select to resume with 2 points or 3 points. If using 2 points to resume location, Automatic-Levelling should be selected to Auto-Level the Flexijet (unless in a situation using Manual Levelling, such as on a boat.)
    Location from Drawing and Reality dialog window
  1. Following the command prompt, click the points you wish to use as reference. Reminder to use the 3D measurement points, not points that have been projected to a plane.
    Location from Drawing and Reality command window message click point 1 in the drawing
  1. Now, follow the command prompt to measure those same points in reality with Flexijet. Measure these points in the same order they were clicked in the step above.
    Location from Drawing and Reality Command window: Record location: Point 1 in Reality Measure
  1. The command prompt will now display if the repositioning was successful.
  1. Once you have resumed your location, Recommend checking the accuracy of the relocation using the ‘Show CAD point’ function.


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