In Flexijet Stone/FlexiCAD version 3.2 and later, Titleblocks can be customized!

Learn about creating PDF’s here

Editing PDF Titleblocks: (version 3.2 and later):

It’s suggested to begin with one of the existing titleblock templates and make adjustments as needed.

  1. Open one of the existing titleblocks, located in C:\ProgramData\Flexijet\FlexiCAD\PDF-Export\english
    PDF tool titleblocks in windows explorer
  1. Go to ‘File>Save As’ to save a new copy. Ensure it is saved in the .vdf file in the same location as the other templates.
  1. Make any desired changes, save the titleblock, and select it from the ‘Create a PDF’ dialog window. FlexiCAD/Flexijet Stone do not need to be restarted to see changes.
    PDF printouts tab titleblock area highlighted with arrow to select dropdown

User-defined and system fields

User-defined fields are indicated by the ‘%’ symbol at the start and end of the text string. Fields created here are automatically added to the ‘Edit’ dialog when creating a PDF.
PDF printouts tab titleblock area highlighted with arrow to edit button

Title Block Information window with fields highlighted

System/global fields

System fields, and fields that are filled with information from the ‘Main Information’ tab are notated with the ‘#’ symbol at the start and end of the text string.
PDF Titleblock with System/Global field highlighted

PDF Main Information screen fields highlighted

Simple include the appropriate text string in your titlblock file to include a system/global variable.

System fields Description
#DATE# System date (set automatically when creating PDF) – MM/DD/YYYY
#VIEW# Folder name
#CONST_PROJECT# Project name
#JOB_NUMBER# Job Number
#CLIENT# Client
#CONTACT_PERSON# Contact Person
#MAIL# Email/Phone
#ADDRESS_1# Address line 1
#ADDRESS_2# Address line 2
#ZIP# Zip Code
#CITY# City
#COUNTRY# Country
#TEMPLATE_DATE# Template date
#NOTES_XROWS…# The user can specify notes for each page of the PDF. This is a multi-line text field.
The number of characters from the pattern corresponds to the maximum number of characters of a line in the PDF.
Replace the ‘X’ in the string with the maximum number of rows available.


The logo image in the PDF titleblock can be customized. The image in the default VDF titleblocks is a placeholder and does not need to be changed: The image is replaced with the linked file during PDF creation.
PDF Titleblock with Logo placeholder highlighted

Title Block Information window with Logo file highlighted


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