Flexijet’s keyboard shortcuts may be customized to your specifications.

  • To use shortcuts, type the letter(s) into the command window and press ‘Enter’

To install the Standard English Flexijet Stone/FlexiCAD keyboard shortcuts:

Download the Flexijet Software Config Tool. Click on the ‘Load English keyboard shortcuts’ button.

Default English keyboard shortcuts:

Download PDF: Flexijet Stone Software Shortcuts list

Line l Connect Ends (Fillet) f
Multiple Lines ml Round Fillet (Round corner) rd
Point pt Break br
Multiple Points mpt Lengthen Line extline
Arc a Single elements to Polyline pe
Circle c Export exp
Circle (2 points) c2 Import imp
Circle (3 points) c3 Redraw red
Polyline pl Regenerate re
2-point Rectangle rec Horizontal Alignment al
Ellipse el Distance dist
Text t Divide object div
Move m Top View top
Copy co 3D View 3d
Multiple Copies mco Hatch h
Erase (Delete) e Layer la
Rotate ro Text Style ts
Scale sc Dimension Style dst
Mirror mi Point Style pst
Group g Calibration cal
Explode explode Go to Position gtp
Break Circle bc Go to CAD point gtcp
Extend ext Measure Z mz
Trim tr Show Z sz
Offset o

Permanent Shortcuts:

Save Ctrl-S Open Ctrl-O
Copy Ctrl-C New Ctrl-N
Paste Ctrl-V Undo Ctrl-Z
Object Snap on/off F3 2D-Snap/3D-Snap F9
Orthogonal on/off F8

To modify these shortcuts

Open the Flexijet Software Config Tool. Click on the ‘Edit Keyboard shortcuts’ button. Save and close when completed.
Flexijet Config Tool Edit Keyboard Shortcuts Window


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