The View Ribbon contains options to change how objects are displayed.

Flexijet Stone View Ribbon

Regenerate button

With the ‘Regenerate’ command, the view is regenerated at the current zoom level in order for the radiuses and other elements to be displayed more smoothly. When you zoom in and out, curves and other elements may no longer be shown round, but drawn on the page slightly angular. With Regenerate, these are displayed as round again.
You can also increase the default resolution of these curves in ‘General Preferences>Curve Resolution’. The default value is 500, and increasing this to 5000 or 10000 will increase the displayed resolution of curves.
General Preferences window with 'Curve Resolution' selected

Layer button

Flexijet Stone and FlexiCAD use layers internally to organize measurements into different folders. You may notice that the ‘Layers’ dialog window will reflect the structure of the Project explorer, with the hierarchy represented with periods.

The most practical way to change the layers of elements is with the Advanced Color Dialog in versions 3.2 and later. Create a color scheme, and change the color of elements. Then, elements can then be exported according to the ‘Layer Name for Export’ column of the color scheme.

Layers other than the Project Folder layers are ‘Global layers’, and their elements will be visible in all folders.

Show Measurement Points

Flexijet saves a photo of every point measured using its built-in 5mp camera. Select the ‘Show Measurement points’ box on the ‘View’ tab to make these points visible. The measurement points will appear as purple points.

To view Measurement point photos, hover your mouse over these measurement points.

Show Measurement Points Gif

The Measurement Point pictures are taken and compressed to minimize disk usage.

Note that measurement pictures are taken at the current level of zoom of the camera. To adjust the zoom, open a function (such as points), click the scrollwheel on the Flexijet to bring up the riflescope view, and scroll in/out. The zoom factor will remain set for this session.

To export Measurement point photos, see Exporting Pictures and Voicenotes


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