Templates for Organization Books follow the same structure as other object, with a few differences. Refer to the General Tag section for non-specific tags. Users can filter the Organization objects that will go into the Org Book. For example, you can generate a book on an org unit without including sub-items. The resulting output will contain information on the org unit only. Alternatively, you can generate a book and include sub-items, and specify which objects you want. For example, you can generate a book on an org unit that include sub-items, and specify that you only want roles and assets.

This section will list tags specific to Org Objects. Note that only the contents of a Resource object will be different. A table for Resources will be provided below.

Tags common across all Org Objects

Tag Description
{dedicatedPool} Boolean that indicates whether this object should be in a dedicated pool
{parentOrgUnits} An array containing info on the object’s parent
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{name}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} The name of the object’s parent
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{version}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} The version of the object’s parent
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{creationDate}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} The creation date of the object’s parent
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{modificationDate}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} The last modification date of the object’s parent
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{nodeStatus}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} The status of the object’s parent (published, in progress)
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{nodeSubTypeName}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} The type associated to the object’s parent
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{checkinDate}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} Last publication date of the object’s parent
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{checkinComment}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} Comments associated to the publication
{#parentOrgUnits}{#target}{#checkinBy}{name}{/checkinBy}{/target}{/parentOrgUnits} The name/username of the user who last published the object’s parent


Tag Description
{firstName} The first name of the resource
{lastName} The last name of the resource
{middleName} The middle name of the resource
{email} The email of the resource
{phone} The phone number of the resource


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