The object details specific to process are (including the basic object details):

  • Name: The given name of the process. Note that there is a 450 character limit.
  • Identifier: The unique identifier of the process. Note that there is a 36 character limit.
  • Type: The type of the process
  • Category: The category of the process
  • Description: The description of the process
  • Sequence Number: The sequence number of the process
  • Process Parent: The parent of the process
  • Process Goal: The goal of the process
  • Value Added: Corresponds to Value Added (VA) in the Analysis tab in the Governance module. VA is denoted by an “X” in the cell. *
  • Non Value Added: Does not correspond to any value in EPC, but if the value type is Value Enabled (VE) or Non Value Added (NVA), this cell must have an “X”. *
  • Waste Necessary: Corresponds to Value Enabled (VE) in the Analysis tab in the Governance module. VE is denoted by an “X” in the cell. *
    • This cell is dependent on the “Non Value Added” cell.
    • If there is an “X” in this cell, there must be an “X” in the “Non Value Added” cell
  • Waste Not Necessary: Corresponds to Non Value Added (NVA) in the Analysis tab in the Governance module. NVA is denoted by an “X” in the cell. *
    • This cell is dependent on the “Non Value Added” cell.
    • If there is an “X” in this cell, there must be an “X” in the “Non Value Added” cell
  • Waste Type: The type of waste. Accepted values are:
    • (empty)
    • Defects
    • Inventory
    • Motion
    • Over-Processing
    • Over-Production
    • Skills
    • Transport
    • Waiting
  • On Critical Path: If the process is on the critical path, the value in the cell should be denoted by an “X”. If it is not, the cell should be empty.
  • On High Risk Path: If the process is on the high risk path, the value in the cell should be denoted by an “X”. If it is not, the cell should be empty.
  • Average Actual Time: Format must be in D HH:MM:SS
  • Average Waiting Time: Format must be in D HH:MM:SS
  • Average Inventory Time: Format must be in D HH:MM:SS
  • Average Transport Time: Format must be in D HH:MM:SS
  • Average Change Over Time: Format must be in D HH:MM:SS
  • Average Actual Cost: Format must be numbers followed by decimals separated by a period (0.0)
  • Number of Active Operators: Format must be an integer
  • Number of Executions: Format must be an integer
  • Current Maturity Level: Format must be an integer

See the picture below for possible combination of selections for the value type


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