System Admins have access to system settings within the EPC Web App. The EPC Web App will be shipped to customers with these settings predefined; however System Admins do have access and can edit these as well. Editing these settings should be avoided without preexisting expertise.
Under the System Admin section, you can find the Advanced tab. The Advanced tab allows admins to modify the settings, keys and values.
The System Settings that System Admins have access to are as follows:
A description of all the settings is provided below:
Item | Description |
API_KEY | Set to a random UUID to allow usage of API key. |
APPS_URL | Configuration of the URL of the external apps added to the Home Menu |
BOOK_FORCE_PDF | Force PDF output of Book/SOP generation |
CHECK_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL | The time interval that the EPC Web App checks for Modeler changes generating user notifications. Denominated in milliseconds. |
CHECK_SERVER_AVAILABILITY_IN_BROWSER | Enable/Disable Server Availability Notifications |
COGNOS_URL | Cognos server url. Required Format: Note: make sure there is a slash (/) after bi |
DBP_TASK_LIST_URL | The URL of your Digital Business Platform task list, from which EPC retrieves training assignments. |
DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_MINOR_VERSION | If set to true, Users either Subscribed or Associated to the object (through roles/resources tied to the object’s RACI) will not receive notifications or confirmation requests for Publications of MINOR versions. |
DISABLE_RELATIONSHIPS_FILTERING | If set to true, non-readable relationships will not filter |
DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE | Maximum size of Documents that can be stored in EPC. |
ENABLES_FLOWCHART_STENCIL | Enable the use flowchart shapes in the Graph Edit. |
ENABLE_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS | Enable integration of Google Analytics data in the Home Page widgets. |
ENABLE_HARMONIZATION | Enable data association harmonization. |
ENABLE_MASS_APPROVAL | Enable the mass approval function in the To Do module. |
ENABLE_MASS_CONFIRMATION | Enable the mass confirmation function in the To Do module. |
ENABLE_MASS_ENDORSEMENT | Enable the mass endorsement function in the To Do module. |
ENABLE_NAV_BAR_ERROR | Description coming |
ENABLE_TRACK_CHANGES | If set to true, the tracking of changes in documents will automatically be generated |
FILE_PREVIEW_MAX_FILE_SIZE | Maximum size of files that can be previewed. |
FILE_PREVIEW_TIMER_DEFAULT | Time after which document preview expires in minutes |
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_BLACK_LIST | List of REGEX match to be excluded from information sent to Google Analytics |
GRAPH_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR | The color of the path’s highlights in process graphs, e.g.: #ffff00 |
GRAPH_HIGHLIGHT_THICKNESS | Thickness of the highlight band in process graphs. |
HAMONIZATION_CONTROL_DEFAULT | Default data harmonization value set in all objects. |
HIDE_PERSONAL_INFO_TO_NON_SYSTEM_USERS | Users’ personal identifiable information will be hid to non-admin users. |
IDENTIFIER_SORT_ALGORITHM | The way the Identifier columns are sorted in all List pages. Choose between ALPHANUMERIC or NUMERIC, which the default is numeric. With the numeric sorting, EPC will group digit only values & sort them numerically and order them by character length. |
IMPORT_USER_SIZE | Number of users that can be imported as resources. |
INHERIT_APPROVAL_CREATE | If set to true, newly created objects will inherit their parent’s approval cycles. EPC Default: false |
INHERIT_ENDORSEMENT_CREATE | If set to true, newly created objects will inherit their parent’s endorsement cycles. EPC Default: false |
INHERIT_IMPLEMENTER_CREATE | If set to true, newly created objects will inherit their parent’s IR implementer. EPC Default: false |
JIRA_AUTHORIZATION | Authorization header when calling Jira |
JIRA_USER_ACCOUNT | Jira user account ID used for authorization |
mail.enabled | Enable email notifications |
ONE_RESOURCE_APPROVES_ENDORSES_FOR_ENTIRE_ROLE | Only one resource is required to approve/endorse per role. |
PASSPORT_AZURE | Azure Active Directory Authentication protocol settings for Single Sign-On (SSO) Login |
PASSPORT_COGNITO | Cognito Authentication protocol settings for Single Sign-On (SSO) Login |
PASSPORT_JUST_IN_TIME | Just In Time Authentication protocol settings for Single Sign-On (SSO) Login |
PASSPORT_KERBEROS | KERBEROS Authentication protocol settings for Single Sign-On (SSO) Login |
PASSPORT_KERBEROS_KEYTAB | Kerberos KEYTAB file in Base 64 format |
PASSPORT_LDAP | LDAP Login protocol settings for authentication |
PASSPORT_NTLM | NTLM Authentication protocol settings for Login |
PASSPORT_SAML | SAML Authentication protocol settings for Login |
PASSPORT_STRATEGY_TO_USE | Which login protocol to use. Protocols: Local, KERBEROS, LDAP, NTLM, SAML |
PRIVATE_CACHE_URL | Address of internal cache port. |
PROCESS_SET_MAX_GRAPH_SIZE | Number of processes to display on a Graph Set before clicking the “Display All” button |
PURGE_PERIOD | Default time where archived objects can be purged from the system Denomination: Years. Default: 13 |
REMINDER_INTERVAL | Interval between reminders. |
REMINDER_NEXT_DATE | Minimal date on which to send reminders. |
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Amazon S3 access key ID for external storage of files |
S3_BUCKET_NAME | Amazon S3 bucket name for external storage of files |
S3_REFRESH_DELAY | Frequency en seconds for pushing to external storage |
S3_REGION | Amazon S3 region for external storage of files |
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | Amazon S3 secret access key for external storage of files |
S3_STORAGE_PREFIX | Amazon S3 object key prefix for external storage of files |
SEARCH_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS | Search custom file content extensions to index |
SEARCH_FEED_CURRENT_ITEMS | Number of concurrent items processed by search |
SEARCH_FETCH_DELAY_BETWEEN_PAGES | Delay between each new index page. Denomination: Milliseconds. Default: 1000ms (1 second) per page. |
SEARCH_FETCH_ITEM_PER_PAGE | Number of objects per index page. Denomination: objects per page. Default: 25 per page. |
SEARCH_MAX_FILE_SIZE | The maximum file size to be featured within the search engine. Denomination: Bytes. Default: 20,971,520 Bytes or 20 Megabytes. Note: Increasing the file size will slow down search functionality. |
SEARCH_QUERY_HIGHLIGHT_FILE_CONTENT | If set to true, matching content from search queries will be highlighted. |
SEARCH_QUERY_HIGHLIGHT_UDAS | If set to true, it will show the highlight of UDA values in search results |
SEARCH_SERVER_PASSWORD | Password of the search server |
SEARCH_SERVER_URL | URL of the search server |
SEARCH_SERVER_USERNAME | Username of the search server |
SEARCH_UPDATE_TIMER_DEFAULT | Time interval for new objects to be indexed for the WebApp search engine. Denomination: Milliseconds. Default: 300,000 Milliseconds (5 Minutes). |
SEARCH_UPDATE_TIMER_PER_ENV_ID | Setting to define different Update Timer intervals for each environment. |
SESSION_REFRESH | Session activity refresh in minutes |
SESSION_TIMEOUT | Time, in minutes, where users will be disconnected from their session after no activity. |
WEB_SERVICES_LOGGER_DEFAULT_LEVEL | Minimum log level. The options are: error, warn, info, verbose, debug, silly |
WEB_SERVICES_LOGGER_PER_MODULE | Setting to be enabled if System Admins want different log levels for different modules. |
WEBTOKEN_EXPIRES_IN | The time interval by which the web token expires. |
Web Token Example
Value | Meaning |
2d | 2 days |
1d | 1 day |
10h | 10 hours |
2.5h | 2 hours and 30 minutes |
1m | 1 minute |
5s | 5 seconds |
1y | 1 year |
As minimum requirements, we recommend 2 GB of RAM for the Web App Search docker. Some search settings (SEARCH_FETCH_DELAY_BETWEEN_PAGES, SEARCH_FETCH_ITEM_PER_PAGE, SEARCH_MAX_FILE_SIZE) are interrelated and must be edited consequently so as to correctly manage available RAM and avoid Search Docker RAM overload. An Out Of Memory issue on the docker can lead to Web App slow-down or complete unresponsiveness.
As shown in the above table for System Settings, default search index parameters will load 25 objects per page every 1000 Milliseconds. Each object of the page will be loaded into RAM while indexing. With a default maximum file size of 20,917,520 Bytes (20 Mb), this means there is a maximum potential RAM load of (25 objects * 20 Mb) 500 Mb occupied by a search index. This will leave ample space for adequate search performance during indexing without substantially affecting the total total time period required to fully index the specific environment.
We highly recommend that any combinations of these parameters not exceed half of the allocated RAM for the search docker. For safe measure we have defined them to occupy 25% of recommended RAM. If you wish to adjust any of these three parameters, especially “SEARCH_MAX_FILE_SIZE’, RAM for the Search docker may need to be adjusted correspondingly.
Use this formula to ensure safe use of search settings:
The EPC Web App provides a “Safety URL” for System Admins. This URL, if entered into the users selected web browser, reverts the EPC Web App to its initial settings. In order to apply any changes to the settings, users will be required to copy this link.
The warning, located at the top of the page is displayed as follows:
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