Once a task or a shortcut has been created in EPC, modelers can choose to assign an existing object to create a shortcut. The result is a shortcut object that has all the associations and content of the original object. There are 2 types of shortcuts:
Shortcuts allow you to re-use existing content across your application, while centrally managing the object in 1 location. Shortcuts allow you to re-use exact content on multiple instances. If further customization is needed when you re-use content, check out our reference feature here, which will allow you to re-use, and customize existing content.
In addition, both task shortcut and process shortcut can be either created in graph view or in swimlane view.
Shortcuts & References Video
Rules of Shorcuts in Swimlane Mapping
Because in swimlane, the layout and the lanes created are dependent on the responsibility of their flow object, there are rules to follow when assigning a task shortcut or a process shorcut.
When I create a shortcut that its source has a RASCi set to Responsible and there is a lane with a similar RASCI of Responsible, then it will move that shortcut to that lane.
When the shortcut is dropped outside a none lane, in our map, then it will go back to the NONE lane without an auto layout
When the shortcut is dropped outside of its designated lane, then it will return back to its lane without an auto layout
When a shortcut is already set to a lane , but then the rasci in the definition has changed from Responsible to any of the other: Accountable, Supportive, Consulted, Informed, then it will move to none lane
When a shortcut is already set to a lane with role A, then a second role B was added to the same lane, then it will create a new lane with the same rasci with only role A and move the shortcut there
Assume there are 2 lanes with role A and role B respectively. and each lane has multiple objects. Assume role A has a shorcut but then we decide to change the rasci of the definition(shortcut) from role A to role B, then it will move the shortcut to the lane with role B and take the best route
When you move, shortcut & general flow objects out of lanes then they should go back to their previous lane
When you move shortcut & general flow objects between lanes, then shortcuts should go back to its previous lane and the other object will be in the new lane
When you assign a new RASCI to a lane that already has shorcuts and flow objects, then it will create a new lane for all the flow objects, but the shortcut will remain on its first rasci lane
When you assign a new RASCI to a lane that only has shortcuts, then it will create a new empty lane with the new rasci, but all the shortcuts will remain on its first rasci lane
When you remove all rasci from a lane that has shortcut and flow object, then the shortcut keeps the rasci and the lane, but all the rest of the flow objects go to none lane
When you remove part of the rasci from a lane that has shortcut and flow object, then the shortcuts keeps the rasci and the lane, but all the rest of the flow objects go to the new lane with all new rasci
When try to remove RASCI from lane which contains shortcut ONLY, by clicking on the “x”, then you won’t be able to remove the racis, the “Edit Responsibility” window will close and you will receive a message stating: “You cannot remove a rasci from a lane that only has shortcut(s)”
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