Before starting an event, the following options are available.

  • Start Matches w/o Text Notice- Moves the event from the Waiting Queue to the Running Queue without sending a text message to players.
  • Start Matches and Send Text Notice- Moves the event from the Waiting Queue to the Running Queue and notify players via text message..
  • Text Players – Brings up a screen to send a custom text notice to all or selected players in the event.
  • Mark as Not Printed – If score sheets have been printed for this event, and you wish to change to Next Available as your printing method, you must mark all score sheets as not printed.
  • Review Verification – Allows the Tournament Director to view the final verification parameters and either confirm them or start over.
  • Swap Player – Brings up the Swap Player screen allowing the tournament director to swap any player for any other player in the database.
  • Remove Team – Allows the Tournament Director to remove a team from the event. This restarts the verification process.
  • Change Score Formats and Settings – Allows the Tournament Director to change settings for this event without re-verifying.
  • Start Over/Unverify – Restart the verification process.
  • One Step Verify – Re-verify the event in one step using all existing parameters. (Only available for single and double elimination events.)