You must select the algorithm to use for your lottery. Here is a complete description of the options and how they will control the selection of players moved into the tournament when the Run Lottery switch is turned on.
Lottery Algorithm Type
ALL types comply to the specs of the tournament and the events
- Totally Random
Grab random players and enter the events
- Each player gets in, then random
Get as many individual players registered (to maximize registration income) and then we randomize all other remaining openings
- Strength by skill and age
If an event specifies the skill and specifies the age this is the order of selection.
- Both players on the team with a rating in the specified skill and both have the correct age
- Both players on the team have the rating in the specified skill and one has the correct age
- One player on the team has the rating in the specified skill and that same player has the correct age, the other player is correct age and has .5 less than the specified “From Skill” on the event
- Everyone else.
- If an event specifies the skill and has any age this is the order of selection.
- Both players on the team with a rating in the specified skill
- One player on the team with a rating in the specified skill and the other has .5 less than the specified “From Skill” on the event
- Both players have .5 less than the specified “From Skill” on the event
- Everyone else.
- If an event has any skill and specifies the age this is the order of selection.
- Both players on the team within the specified age
- One player on the team within the specified age and one player on the team within the next 5 year age span after the “To Age” on the event
- Both players on the team within the next 5 year age span after the “To Age” on the event
- Everyone else.
- If an event has any skill and has any age
Random selection