A full listing of the National Senior Games Regulations governing Pickleball can be found on their website here: National Senior Games
These are the specific parts of the regulations that govern the setup of a qualifying tournament.
- Age Groups – Qualifying is by five year age groups starting at age 50. Age is calculated based on the last day of the qualifying year.
- Skill Levels – Skill levels for the National Tournament are Division I, 4.5 and above, Division II, 4.0, Division III, 3.5 and Division IV, 3.0 and below. Directors of state qualifying tournaments are free to configure the divisions as they wish to conform to the needs of their player population. However, at the national tournament, all qualifiers will play in the National Tournament division that covers their skill level at the time of the tournament.
- Players must play at the skill level of the higher rated player and the age of the younger player. A team of two older players may not play down into a younger age bracket.
- The top four teams in each skill level/5 year age group in every event will qualify for the National Senior Games.
- There are four qualifying spots reserved for home state teams if they do not finish in the top four spots.