- Title – Enter the title of your tournament here. If this is an annual event, consider incorporating the year in the title. Or a description such as First Annual.
- Short URL – Allow people to remember the URL easily by creating a short URL. You may enter a name of your own or click on the refresh button to generate a random name. Something like PickleballBrackets.com?Demo5 is easier for people to remember than PickleballBrackets.com?eid=4D8EBFD9-AF25-4199-B5BB-6C0DD09FF7AM
- Website – If the organization or tournament has its own webpage it could be entered here. This is the full URL (including http://).
- Online Store URL – If the organization or tournament has its own Online Store it could be entered here. This is the full URL (including http://).
- Is Private Event? – Set this to Yes if you want only a specific club or group of people to play in this tournament.
Enter or generate a code that players will enter prior to registration to access this tournament.
NOTE: A code is required for private tournaments to keep others from registering. You can enter a simple code manually such as “pickleball” or create a complex one by clicking the refresh button next to the textbox. - Caption – This will show on certain areas of our website when your tournament is listed.
- Officiated Type – Select from the drop down menu. Choices are All, None, Medal Matches, Gold Medal Matches and Unique per Event. Your choice will show on the general information page.
- Referee App Code – If the tournament is using the Pickleball.com Referee App, enter the app code here.
- Max Reg. for Entire Tourney – This is the maximum number of players that can play in the entire tournament. Even if there are spots open in the events to fill with players the system will NOT allow NEW players to register after this number is reached.
Leave this blank if you don’t want to use this feature. Maximum settings can be set for each event on the event record.. - Num. Guaranteed Games – Select a number from the drop down menu. This is the minimum number of games that a player can expect to play in each tournament event.
- Activate Referee Signup – Turn this feature on to allow people the option to sign-up as a referee. A button will show on the details screen of tournament.
- Activate Volunteer Signup – Turn this feature on to allow people the option to sign-up as a volunteer. A button will show on the details screen of tournament.
p(banner tip). Tournament directors must set up a referee and/or volunteer schedule in order to use this feature. Use the Main Menu to create those schedules.