The Tournament Details Page.

  1. Count of Registered Players – Click here for a full list of players by event. From that page you may also view an alphabetical list of all players and a list of players with events. If event draws have been created or the tournament is in progress, links to the tournament draws will show.
  2. Tournament Dates – The dates the tournament will run.
  3. Registration Dates – The open registration dates.
  4. Time Zone – This is the time zone for the tournament.
  1. Cost – This is the registration cost for the tournament. If the tournament has staggered its registration cost by date, clicking on the Cost Breakdown link will show the dates and amounts.
  2. Players Needing Partners – Click here to see a list of registered players who need partners. Each one will have a contact button next to their name. Use that to get in touch.
  3. Referee – If the tournament needs referees, click here to sign up.
  4. Volunteer – If the tournament needs volunteers, click here to sign up.
  5. Purchase Items – If the tournament is selling items such as t-shirts, or clinic registrations in addition to the regular competition, click here to purchase.
  1. Register – Click here to Register. If you are not already logged in to your account, you will be brought to the login screen before you can register.