For small brackets, you may need to take the next step of merging skill levels together. This will create a merged bracket for playing purposes. Senior Games qualifying and medals will still be awarded based on the original Division/Age group that the player signed up for.

Merging Events – Merging events will combine all players from two or more events into a new one. The old events will no longer display on the public site.

To Merge Events:

  • Scroll down to one of the events to be merged and click on the copy icon.
  • Select *Copy Event for Merge*

    This will create a new event with the same configuration as the copied event with some extra options on the sidebar menu.
  • Edit the parameters of the new event to reflect those needed for the merged group of players.
  • Select Save and Proceed Next
    This will bring up a screen with a list of potential events to merge based on your parameters.
  • Click on the Don’t Merge checkbox of the events you want to combine. That will change them to Merge. Click on the green Merge button.
  • The new event will show on your list of events with a Green link symbol. The original events will be hidden from the event list and will be automatically switched to inactive status.