Prior to an event, you may print all of the score sheets or score sheets for the start of events designated as “Next Available”. From the waiting queue, click on Print Score Sheets icon. ![]()
Available choices for score sheet printing are:
- Print first round matches ONLY – choose this for round robin events that are being assigned using the “Next Available” printing option.
- Print ALL unplayed matches that have both teams – For a round robin event, this will print all score sheets except those for any playoff rounds. For a single or double elimination event, this will print score sheets for all matches that have named teams.
*Use this for all single and double elimination events.
!If you print the these score sheets from the waiting queue for any event that is designated to print “Next Available”, be sure to mark them as printed to prevent them from being reprinted when the event starts.
- Print ALL unplayed matches (including matches without teams). – For round robin events, playoff matches will be printed without names. For double or single elimination events, names will only be printed for already assigned matches.
- Print Sheet Size – The half sheet option will print one score sheet per page. The full sheet option will print two score sheets on a page.
*The type of score sheet, either official or simple, is specified when the event is verified.