- Activate Player Text – If text messages are active for a league, players will receive a message after each game that shows the score that has been entered. League managers will also be able to send a general text message to all of the opted in players on a particular game day.
- Default Location – Select the playing location for this session. Locations are listed in the Club record.
- Session Number – Select the session number for this league. If this is not the first session of the league, the league director will be given an opportunity later in the setup process to import all of the players from the previous session.
- Skill Level – This will restrict registration for the session to a particular skill level. Skill levels will be evaluated based on the rating choices specified in option 6, below.
- Age – This will restrict registration for the session to a particular age group.
- Rating Choice – This specifies the order of selection of the rating to be used for determining the eligibility for session sign up. The choices are PickleballBrackets.com Tournament Rating, Club Rating and Self Rating. These will be evaluated in order of selection. If a player does not have a Pickleballbrackets.com rating or a Club Rating, and either of those are selected as the first or second priority, the system will default to using their self rating.