Select Live Console from the Tournament Management Menu.

  1. Click One Step Verify
  2. Select the Qualifier Event
  3. Two events should show, the Qualifier event on the left, with no teams, and the Main Draw on the right.
  1. Move all needed teams from the Main Draw to the Qualifier side by clicking the arrows. (this is required for the process to work)
  2. Click the green Save Team Lists button at the top.

  1. When the page loads, above the main draw list, click the TBD select box and add the number of TBDs you need to the Main Draw. TBD teams are placeholders. Adding them here allows the TD to verify the event and generate a planner with the correct number of teams for the bracket.
  2. Sort the 2 lists the way you want the teams to be seeded.
  1. Click the green Save Team Lists button. The two events now have the correct number of teams and are ready to be verified.
  1. Verify the events using the normal verifying process or by clicking the Auto Verify button to initiate the One Step Verify process.
  2. Although not required, you can select the Consolation (Points Draw) from the select box at the top and add the number of TBDs you’ll use for this bracket. You can do the same for the Bonus Draw. This will allow you to run the daily planner. Events must be verified to be included in the daily planner.

Click Here for Directions for Running Qualifying Events.