Tournament Description
- Include a detailed description of the event formats. Round robin, double elimination, single elimination, etc.
- Mention the scoring format for each of the event formats.
- Always include a statement about the ability of the tournament director to modify event formats as needed depending on registrations.
- Include a detailed description of eligibility for the tournament. If this tournament is only for club residents, certain age groups or certain skill levels, say that in the description.
- If there are skill level restrictions for any bracket, that should be mentioned. For example, if a 4.5 bracket requires both or only one of the players to be rated at that level, that should be included in the description.
- Mention the types of skill level ratings that are considered for registration. Self rating, rating, UTPR, Pickleball Canada or any other.
- If there is a time limit for partner registration, say that in the description.
- Describe the fee schedule including any early registration discounts or surcharges for out of state players.
- Mention any facility rules or important features.
- Mention any special housing or hotel discounts or accommodations.
- Include a description of the payment options and a detailed refund policy.
- If refunds are available, conform the final refund date to the final registration date to encourage players who are thinking of withdrawing to do so before you start final tournament preparation.
- If there are multiple requests for the same information from registrants, add the answer to the tournament description.
*A detailed tournament description is vital for assuring the consistent application of registration procedures and for limiting the number of questions directed to the tournament organizers.
Tracking Registrations
- Check registrations frequently during the sign up period. This allows for the timely administration of the following tasks:
- Communicating with players who don’t have partners. This can be done individually or with a global message using the messaging function.
- Modifying bracket maximums based on enrollments and waiting list numbers.
- Running “what if” scenarios using the Snapshot Planner to plan potential schedules.
- Run the Snapshot Planner as registrations come in to manage event counts and the waiting lists. Here are some Snapshot Planner Tips.
- Keep two windows open when running the planner, one to change parameters and the second to view results. When you save new parameters, switch to the view window and refresh the page.
- Start with one event and build on that for the rest of the daily schedule. It is usually best to start with the largest event, especially if that event will need all of the available courts for the first round.
- Select the remaining events based on court availability. For example, if you have four courts still available during the first daily time slot after scheduling your first event, schedule an event that will use all four of those courts. Save the change and view the results.
- Continue with all events until the day is full.
- The Snapshot Planner will default to only the teams that have both players registered. Change the team numbers as needed to reflect your projections for final registration counts.
- Any changes you make will be saved for the next time you run the planner.
Merging Events
- Always include a statement in your tournament description that events may be merged or split based on registration numbers.
- Be sure to state, in the description, whether medals will be awarded based on standings in the merged event or the original event.
- Wait until registration has closed before merging events.
- Turn off notifications to players while merging events. Click HERE for a description of the process for merging events.
Splitting Events
- Always include a statement in your tournament description that events may be merged or split based on registration numbers.
- Events may be split during registration if there is no registration limit for a bracket and it is filling up quickly.
- Splitting events requires the creation of a new event and the manual transfer of players based on the criteria of the new event.
- Players will receive notification of the new event as soon as you switch them if you leave notifications turned on.
Timing for Tournament Preparation
- Close registration early enough to allow time for finalizing registrations. These finalization tasks might include:
- Follow up with players without partners
- Collecting outstanding payments
- Running the snapshot planner.
- Adding players from the waiting list if results of the planner show more available time slots.
- Finalizing the schedule and notifying players of all start times.
*The timing for closing registration can vary depending mainly on the size of the tournament. Larger tournaments with many brackets and the potential for many waiting list teams and/or players without partners usually close registration earlier than smaller tournaments.