The Club manager may view and edit member information from this screen.

  1. Click here to add a new club member. Members must have a account.
  2. Use these options to filter your list if you don’t want to see all members.
  3. Click here to search after applying any filter criteria
  4. The total number of club members.
  5. Their member number if one has been assigned.
  6. Gender
  7. Age
  8. Club Ratings. Ratings can be drawn from the player’s self rating, the tournament rating or their calculated Club rating based on league and tournament participation.
  9. Leagues – The number of club leagues played in.
  10. Games – The total number of club games that have been rated.
  11. Requested – The date that the player requested membership.
  12. Approved – The date that their membership was approved.
  13. The edit button – Allows the Club manager to edit a player record
  14. The stats button – Allows the Club manager to view the entire club rating history for the player.