National Senior Games qualifying events should be set up as Skill Level events. Age groups will be set within the skill level.

  1. Create an event as a skill level event with an age range of 50 and above. It can be any event in the tournament such as Men’s, Women’s or Mixed Doubles or Singles.
  2. Complete all of the setup information that you need to describe the event, it’s format, dates, scoring, officiated status, partner registration deadline, etc.
  3. Do not enter Max teams or Max waiting list teams. Those will be entered separately for each age split.
  4. Enter the skill level and age information as shown here:
  • Skill Level is required.
  • The Title will be generated automatically.
  • The Subtitle is not required but helps to further describe the event for registering players.
  • The Third Party Code is required and must be in the format shown. The word “Division” followed by a space the Roman Numerals I, II, III or IV. This should correspond to the skill level of the event.

At the top of the Event setup screen, make sure that the USA Senior Games buttons is turned on. Turn the Additional Medals buttons off.