The Basic Information section of the League Setup screen is where you create the overall structure of your league. Once the structure is created, you will be able to add each of the sessions. Each session can be customized to meet changing conditions and seasons.
- Status: The initial status of a new league should be active. Once league play is completed, you can change the status to closed.
- League Title: Give your league a title. Remember that this is the overall league title, not a title that describes one session of the league.
- Website URL: If your organization has a website, insert the URL here and a button will be created on the League page with a link to the site.
- Online Store URL: If your organization has an online store, insert the URL here and a button will be created on the League page with a link to the site.
- Type: Select the type of League you wish to run.
*Ladder leagues rank players by their results and change the playing groups each week. In a Traditional league, the teams (or players if it is a singles league) will play each of the other teams in the league once over a number of weeks. The number of matches played will depend on the number of teams signed up for the league.