- Hide Registered Players – Set this to Yes if you wish to hide the list of registered players on the public website.
- Start Times Pulled From – During registration estimated start times will be pulled from each event record.This switch allows you to specify if, once you are ready to post official start times, where to pull those start times from.
Daily Planner – Is a scheduling tool that calculated the entire tournament and displays it in a planner format where you can see how long a bracket may take. The times from this planner will be displayed on a separate page for players to view.
Event Record – Pulls all start times directly from the event details page itself and displays them on a page for people to view. - Overbook Start Times on Planner – This tells the Simulator and Daily Planner to allow overbooking of start times beyond the number of available courts. Overbooking will force the Simulator to start an event at a certain time even if it there are no extra courts available. This will extend the projected time range for the event(s) being displaced. It will also cause the Wait Count and ToDo count to increase. This feature is designed for events that are scheduled with Next Available Court Assignments.
- Post Start Times Now –.This displays start times immediately if this value is set to ‘Yes’. Only set this to Yes if you are ready to display start times.
- Show Event Draws – Use the drop down menu to select when you want the event draws to be shown on the public website. Draws can only be show for events that have been verified.