If a partner is needed for any event, this screen will come up after you choose the player events.
In this case, a partner is needed for two of the events. For Women’s Doubles, a partner was pre-selected, so her information is shown and a partner search is not required. Click the blue Edit button to change that partner.
For other events that require a partner, check I HAVE if the player has named a partner or I NEED if the player is registering without a named partner. Click the green button to find the named partner. Why search first? If the person already exists in our system, the player selection process is faster if you look for them first. If the player is not already in the system, you will be able to enter them manually.
This box will appear to allow you to search for the partner.
Notice that it lists the gender, skill level and age qualifications needed for a match. Type the partner last name and click the blue search icon.
The search results will then be shown.
Any individual with the same last name as the search name will be shown. Players who are not eligible to be partnered up will show with an “Unavailable” notice above their name and the reason why they are unavailable below their name. Players who are eligible will have a “Select” button above their name.