The following screens show each of the sections for the basic configuration of a Club.

  1. Direct Club Link – click to copy. This link may be sent to players or used by the Club Manager to review the setup options prior to making the club public.
  2. Copy Club – Use this to set up a new club under your existing organization. All of the basic features will be copied. Existing information can then be changed as needed.
  3. Show to Public – Select Yes if you wish to list your club on the public website.
  4. Approved Tournaments – Configured by at the time the club is created. Contact to change this.
  5. Approved Leagues – Configured by at the time the club is created. Contact to change this.
  6. Approved Clubs -Configured by at the time the club is created. Contact to change this.
  7. Approved Clinics – Configured by at the time the club is created. Contact to change this.
  8. Type – Select the type of Organization from the drop down menu.
  9. Timezone – Select the Club timezone. It will be show to players on the club information screen.
  10. Localization – Formatting throughout the site where this club is displayed will show information based on the local standards of the selected value.

For example:

- – - – - English – American will show Dates “Month Day Year”

- – - – - French will show Dates “Day Month Year”

NOTE: All text representing the club will be displayed as it’s typed. Selected Localization DOES NOT change ANY text entered by the tournament.

- – - All text throughout the site will be translated to the language of the viewer. ( DOES NOT translate the text entered by the tournament.)

  1. Currency to Collect – What currency are you using to collect payments? will send Stripe this currency code so all payments will be exchanged properly.

Currency formatting throughout the site where this club is displayed will be based on the selected value.

For example:

- – - – - US Dollar [USD] will show “$1,111.00”

- – - – - Euro [EUR] will show “1 111,00 €”

  1. Title – Enter the title of your club.
  2. Abbreviation – An abbreviation or nickname for your club.
  3. Allow Members – This controls whether or not member can join your club.
  4. Require Membership Approval – Select No to automatically allow anyone to join the club. Select Yes to require that memberships be approved by the club manager.
  5. Club Ratings – Clubs have the option of tracking ratings within the club using the rating system. This is an extra cost option. Contact if you are interested in using this feature.