Sponsor information can be added here. Sponsor logos will appear at the bottom of the main tournament page and in all emails sent to players. Click on the + sign to add a sponsor.
If the sponsor has a logo you can upload it here.
File types accepted are: ‘png’, ‘jpg’, and ‘jpeg’.
The uploaded logo must meet the minimum size of:
Width: 458 pixels.
Height: 351 pixels.
The image MUST completely fill the specified area.
NOTE: This is NOT an editing software. This upload tool simply allows you to upload and resize your logo to fit our constraints. You may need to use an image editing software prior to uploading to get your desired results.
- Click on the Logo Upload box.
- Either double click on your image or click on your image and select open.
Once you upload your image you will see the cropping tool.
Buttons across the top allow you to:
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Auto Resize
- Reset back to the Original Size
- Save the Image
- Cancel the Upload
The slide bar below the image may also be used to zoom in and out.
These sections of the manual explain how to use image editing software to change the size of a logo if it is too large or too small to fit.
How to Add a Logo That is Too Large