A straight round robin event is configured so that every player or team will play every other player.
- Number of Rounds – The default for this is 1. For small groups, you may want to set up the event so that each player or team plays the others more than once. You can change that here.
- Medal Round Robin with Elimination Bracket – Select NO to play a straight round robin event with no elimination bracket.
- Score Sheet Printing a Court Assignment Type
- Print Next Available Matches Automatically – Select YES to force the computer to print the score sheets automatically as they become available. Select NO if you will be printing all of the score sheets in advance.
- Print Next Available Matches Round by Round – If you are printing score sheets automatically, do you want them printer in order, round by round? Or do you want to allow printing of any available match in any round?
- Court Assignment Type – This setting controls how the daily planner assigns courts for this event once verification is completed. Designated courts will use the settings from your settings under Manage Event Court Counts and Start Times on the tournament management menu. Next Available will allow the Daily Planner to create the court schedule.
*Court Assignment Type settings should be the same as your simulator settings in order to duplicate that schedule.
- Round Robin Score Sheet Type – A simple score sheet will print the names of the teams will spaces to enter final scores and player initials. Games with referees should use an official score sheet which conforms to the IFP format.
- Round Robin Game Parameters – Use this section to specify the playing format for your matches.