1. Email Address – A unique email address is required for every player.
  2. First Name – Enter the player first name.
  3. Last Name – Enter the player last name.
  4. Cell Phone – Enter the player’s cell phone number.
  5. Gender – Select the player’s gender.
  6. Date of Birth – Select the player’s date of birth.
  7. Country – Select the player’s country of residence.
  1. State/Province/Region – Select the player’s State, Province or Region. The drop down menu will only show valid choices for the selected country.
  2. Skill Levels – It is important to enter accurate skill levels for each category. The initial skill level will be used for event placement validation and as a starting point for future rating calculations.
  3. Association Memberships – If a player is a member of any of these organizations, enter their member number here.